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Wi-Fi 6 Soon to arrive in the market. What’s so special about it?

Wi-Fi 6 Soon to arrive in the market. What’s so special about it?

The next generation of wireless standard Wi-Fi 6 will soon be arriving in the market, in the year 2019, bundled up with more speed and better performance. Know how?

Wi-Fi is all geared up with major updates bringing faster and better internet speed connecting mobile, computers, tablets or laptop. The most interesting fact is that versions of Wi-Fi will have user-friendly numbers, easy for any layman to understand and recognize which version they are using.

Now, let’s discuss about the speed. It is absolutely unbelievable that the probable speed of Wi-Fi 6 is 40 % more than the speed of single device router. This is achieved by encoding data more efficiently, producing greater output. The chips that are used for encoding and decoding the signals are becoming even more powerful.

Where majority in the industry are using 5GHzWi-Fi, still, this new Wi-Fi device increases its speeds even on 2.4GHz networks.

Concerned about the battery life of connected devices? You must be happy to hear that Wi-Fi 6 has the inbuilt TWT (target wake time) feature which means that battery of all the devices that are connected with Wi-Fi will have a longer life.

When you are using the device for some other purpose, it will automatically put the Wi-Fi on a sleeping mode and wakes up automatically again after receiving transmission.

Improved performance even in congested areas.

Wi-Fi has a tendency to slump down its speed in a crowded area like- airport, shopping mall, stadium, hotel and restaurant when the other Wi-Fi supported devices get connected with the same device. Even if you consider using it at home, you can connect lots are other Wi-Fi enabled devices. Average user’s speed will be four times better than what they get currently.

How is this possible?

Although data rates and network widths of both Wi-Fi 6 and WiFi-5 are similar, implementation of dozens of new technologies significantly increases the efficiency of Wi-Fi 6, with the potentiality of serving dozens of Wi-Fi enabled devices on single network with the increased speed of more than few gigs per second.

Wi-Fi 6 introduces a modulation scheme known as OFDMA (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access) to support uplink and downlink which will help in reducing latency, increasing the capacity and improving its efficiency, enabling the device to interact with additional devices at a single time.

This wireless standard also has MU-MIMO (Multi-User Multiple-Input Multiple-Output) access points for handling more signal for unloading the pressure from endpoint devices. This MU-MIMO link is also considered to be secured where only projected receiver is able to read the file.

If different access points are interacting on the same network, the data transmission takes place with a unique color, which enables the communicators to differentiate their data at the same time without any waiting time, also known as “Spatial Frequency Reuse”.

Planning to buy it?

Some routers have already started advertising Wi-Fi 6 but, Wi-Fi 6 client devices are still not available in the market.

Don’t worry much about it, as those devices are expected to be launched in 2019 itself. For better performance of Wi-Fi, all you need is an access point and a smartphone which supports Wi-Fi 6. Since, if your router is wifi-6 enabled and your device supports Wi-Fi 5, that connection will keep working on Wi-Fi -5 mode.

But all you need is to support this new generation of Wi-Fi 6 to take the most advantage out of it.