Now responding your fans will not take much of your time, and thanks to Google’s SmartReply for that.
Are you a YouTube Content Creator? Then you must be happy to know that four years back, Google introduced an A.I technology whichtill date helps Gmail users with automated responses is now available for you as well.
For uploading any videos on YouTube, and to keep track of your fan followering you need to access YouTube Studio. It is what encouraged Google to launch SmartReply technology on YouTube Studio, helping you to remain engaged more with your followers.
Google realized that replying to each commenter is quite time-consuming. But SmartReply feature will help you to give a quick response to your users. For Instance, if any of the video followers ask you a question like- “When you will upload the next video? “You can quickly reply, “Very Soon!”
But what about the real-time challenge this feature will face?
As we start discussing this emerging technology, we need to realize that the challenges on YouTube Studio are more than what it faces while replying to emails.
The reason for it is that the reply to an email is more of formal communication, whereas, on YouTube,commenters might be posting emoji, abbreviated words or any other inconsistent words. So, to understand the content and further replying them back might demand a technology that can recognizea varied set of content.
Keeping the various aspects in mind, Google has trained the system in such a way that it can overcome any technical challenges. SmartReply will be suggesting automated response only when it is confident of providing sensible suggestion and also when the creator is willing to reply. Also, for the time being, this technology can reply only in English and Spanish language. So, others need to wait for some more time. But don’t worry as you might find automated response technology anytime soon in your language.