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Everything you need to know about Copyright and how it is going to impact your business

Everything you need to know about Copyright and how it is going to impact your business

Just imagine you have created an artwork and someone else has published it without your consent. How are you going to feel? Annoyed, contempt or upset? But will that be a solution to the problem? The answer is a strict no.

Here lies the importance of copyright. You must learn to safeguard your artwork by creating copyright.

But what is this copyright all about?

Copyright is that exclusive legal right which protects the original work of the artist starting from publication to distribution for a limited period. Usually, the time period varies from 50 to 100 years. Which means no other person can misuse the work of the originator by publishing it without his or her consent. Thus, Copyright gives credit to the creator where someone else’s tries to breach it.

Here comes the question of what things can be copyrighted?

One can copyright anything starting from poems, art, music, lyrics, plays, photographs, movies, even the online contents and websites. So, can rest assured that no other party can misuse their original work that too in this digital era when a large number of contents are simply copied and pasted

How Copyright is going to impact the business?

Even in business also, an employer has to handle various kinds of important documents like- letters, emails, articles, spreadsheets, graphic designs, scientific models, architecture plans, different computer programming etc. To create or produce them business invests a huge amount of both money and time. If someone else publishes the same material then the company who has invested in the production process loses its identity. So, to safeguard the important published and unpublished work of business copyrighting is essential.

Although registration is not compulsory to avail the “copyright protection”, still if you want to sue someone in the court for contravention then registration is absolutely necessary. So, it is always advisable to register the copyrighted content for additional protection of the content. A business can go for copyright anytime during its legislative period, which covers the life of the business along with an additional 70 years.

Copyrighting makes business more vendible and if any violator argues of violating it unintentionally or mistakenly, then also business can recover a huge amount of money from the violator.

So, every single entity who wants to safeguard their work from violation should “copyright” them as well and get the appreciation they deserve from others.